
Familist is an efficient app for management of divorce agreements and rulings. Familist is the first app in Israel enabling to prevent friction, thus creating convenient communication in one spot and preventing daily-life damage for parents and children.

179% of funding target

אין טבלה 
קמפיין נגמר  אין לחצן 
By: Millie Indig
Successfully fundedAngel Investment
Investment type:
Company Stage:



Positive communication among parents and assistance to the family in a rough situation

Familist helps parents prosper in communicating, planning, and gaining composure in the family by using a simple and efficient application. Through arguments and fights, divorce may be a tough experience for every family member involved, thus creating a lot of damage and potential areas of friction. This app helps families cope with these occurrences by planning daily life.


Successful fisrt pilot showing high user growth rates 

From the moment the platform is launched, there is a steady increase in the number of users, an even more positive trend is that many users are professionals from the entire legal world, among others, lawyers, mediators, psychologists and even judges.

Assistance and partnership with the leading experts in the field of family law

Familist was developed following many years of experience of its founders who have been practicing family law for decades.
Among Familist founders is the office of Kanir & Co. one of the 10 leading law firms in the family law (according to Dan's 100 ranking method). Kanir office & CO also gives professional assistence and guidance all the way.


Simple to use app and automation of the divorce agreement

The Familist app is useful and enables a family to plan in an efficient and simple manner. After an initial insertion of the different matters agreed upon regarding the divorce agreement, the app system sends automatic notifications to the parents regarding their different obligations. Moreover, the app is fully integrated with several systems, such as the vacation schedule of the Ministry of Education and the Repossession Department. This allows a family to manage all the aspects related to a divorce automatically, simply and effectively.

Growing market and rising divorce rates

Familist may reduce high costs for millions of families around the world due to the cost of therapy, as well as assistance that is worth tens of billions of dollars per year, with a 5% yearly growth rate, in the U.S. alone. In the world, the divorce rate has doubled in the last 40 years, with the rate being 30% in Israel, over 40% in UK, and over 55% in France. This situation has created a growing market related to assistance and treatment related to these complex situations.




Familist is considered a personal assistant of divorced parents with several aspects related to managing life after a divorce. The app is efficient, simple and gathers all daily coordination between parents in one accessible place. With the application, parents may manage all aspects related to their divorce agreement of ruling, including monetary issues related to their children, distribution of custody and more. Through this, parents can communicate between each other efficiently and effectively.


The company’s solution

Family conflict may be easily resolved through Familist, as well as allowing parents to run their daily routine effectively. This avoids any additional clashes resulting from lack of understanding and appropriate communication. This app helps life after a divorce be less challenging in  regards to budget management, coordinating the parents’ schedule, and any collaboration required in order to achieve adequate lifestyle for their children.


The Company’s Technology

With the application developed by Familist, all aspects related to divorce life can be managed effectively. All the details of the divorce agreement or the ruling can be inserted directly to the application, which notifies the parents about important dates and enables them to plan ahead and collaborate effectively. After signing on the divorce agreement or receiving any ruling, all points of agreements between parents can be inserted to the application. The application calculates the different amounts each parent has to pay and notifies each of them accordingly.


Advantages of the product

Familist has several advantages, including:

  • Primacy within Israeli market – A of today, there is no holistic solution for management of divorce life in Israeli market, besides for Familist.
  • Initial insertion and reduction of harming communication – the system automatically reminds parents of the understandings between them. Thus, preventing any misunderstandings and unnecessary frictions.  
  • Efficient UI for lawyers and mediators – The system enables lawyers and mediators to insert all understandings between both sides.
  • Direct communication with courts and Repossession Department – Through direct communication with the Repossession Department and courts, all divorce agreements of any ruling details can be easily and precisely inserted to the application. Furthermore, the application is connected to the vacation schedule of the ministry of education, thus enabling the parents to plan ahead effectively.
  • Encouragement of positive communication – The system supplies positive feedbacks to both parents, after engaging in considerate actions, thus promoting fruitful and positive communication between parents.




Millie Indig, Adv.
CEO and Founder
Adv. Indig has numerous years of experience in family law and in her past she practiced law as a family lawyer in Kanir & Co. Law Office, one of Israel’s leading family law offices. Adv. Indig holds a L.L.B with specialization in business administration from IDC Herzliya.

  • Founder
Yonathan Kanir, Adv.
VP Business Development and Founder
Adv. Kanir leads Kanir & Co. Law Office, one of Israel’s leading family law offices for more than 45 years. Adv. Kanir has 15 years of experience of litigation in the field of family law in various courts and has deep knowledge of the needs in this field. Adv. Kanir hold a L.L.B with specialization in government from IDC Herzliya. Adv. Kanir is participating regularly as a guest speaker and lecturer on behalf of the Israeli Bar Association while constantly writing articles and columns in the field of family law.

  • Founder
Anat Eshed Glazer, CPA.
CFO and Founder
CPA Eshed Glazer has numerous years of experience in accounting and she is the owner of Anat Eshed Glazer, CPA Firm. Furthermore, she held several key positions within business sector in Israel, including a term as CFO at Biosense Webster, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson in Israel. CPA Glazer has a BA in CPA and Business Administration from the College of Administration,Tel Aviv, and an MBA from Ben Gurion University.

  • Founder
Amos (Apan) Damri
External Adviser
Online marketing expert and entrepreneur. Founded Operad Ltd, one of Israel’s leading digital marketing firms, as well as Web-science, iCommerce and infogamy.

  • Advisor



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